Student Spotlight: Kamyia Smith

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This senior-level Siba student is already putting her education to use—she’s been busy growing her business locally and is now establishing her brand internationally, too. When Kamyia Smith isn’t studying or in class finishing up her Fashion Development & Merchandising degree, she’s working to increase her brand’s reach—all the way to Paris (yes, the one in France)!

KamyiaLike many successful enterprises, Smith’s business has its foundation in something unique that she’s very good at and loves doing. Smith’s specialty is faux dreadlocks that she is able to put in very quickly—in fact, she prides herself on delivering a style for her clients in half the time it takes many other stylists.

Inspired by her Siba classes and never one to stop brainstorming opportunities, Smith decided it was time to grow her already-successful local business, Kimmy’co. During the research process, she evaluated the other kinds of beauty services that would interest her clients, and decided to add lash extensions and brown micoblading as a “beauty bar” range of services.

Smith credits her business instructors with teaching her how to stay competitive in her field, and that running a successful business requires staying abreast of what the market demands. She’s also learned how to tailor her marketing strategy so that it suits her very specific business and her target clientele. Smith has learned how to maximize her marketing budget by promoting herself on social media and leveraging the positive feedback of her clients.

Her efforts are getting noticed! Siba adjunct faculty member and owner of CEOMom, Devon Moody-Graham, invited Smith to join her and other business owners on a trip to Paris, France, last year. The group explored entrepreneurship opportunities in the “City of Light” and participated in a number of speaking events where they shared strategies and business models.

Kamyia posing by a car

Smith attributes her success to hard work and to her education, because of the edge it gives her, “My education has inspired me to be a better business woman. My classes have exposed me to new ideas about ways to make myself and my business more significant to the consumer.”

It makes perfect sense that Smith’s latest venture is a natural hair-care line built to address concerns she’s heard from clients. As her client base and offerings of both products and services continue to grow, we at Siba have no doubt that the sky is the limit for this blooming entrepreneur, and we can’t wait to see what comes next!

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For more information about her business and/or educational journey, you can contact Kamyia Smith through her Facebook page or on Instagram at @iamkimmyco.

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